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September 20, 2011

Are you really that thirsty?

Occasionally the desire to go on a wild shopping spree will hit me.  During that fanatic shopping excursion I might spend several hours going through store after store, carefully selecting and trying on many varieties of shoes.  At the end of my trip, my splurge might result in three or possibly even four pairs of new shoes to enjoy throughout the season.   Can you imagine, however, purchasing as many as ten or twelve pairs instead in just a few hours?  Even if I had the funds to warrant the expense of that many pairs of new shoes, would I have the opportunity to enjoy all of them properly?  More importantly, would I have made wise selections in that short period of a time?

The more time that you spend carefully selecting a pair of new shoes, trying them on, looking at them from different angles, walking around to sense their feel, the better you will know if you and the shoes are a perfect match.  Is a first date any different?  Why would you during this time of getting to know someone for the first time, to judge if you are compatible or if you have the right things in common, consume more than a dozen drinks in under three hours? Are you so nervous that you need to consume large amounts of alcohol just to conceal it or are you so confident in yourself that you believe that amount of consumption is somehow okay or even acceptable?  Can your thirst be so great that it outweighs the realization that any chance of moving forward with your possible first encounter has been crushed?  Dating etiquette can be very similar to shoe shopping.  If you stick to less than one purchase per hour, you are probably making very wise choices indeed. 

Photos found here

September 11, 2011

Feeling Fruity?

Life can be quirky and amazing at times.  Other times it can be a kick in the face reminding you of the things you take for granted and the things you should just walk on past.  Recently I met someone that definitely fell into the category of what I should have walked away from instead of stopping by to meet. 

After a few weeks of dating, the running joke among my friends became that two of us were fruit, he was Orange and I was Kiwi. Separately these two fruits are quite delicious.  However, we all know that oranges can sometimes be tart if they aren't ripe yet and rotten when over ripe.  On the flip side, kiwi is a rather sweet and tender fruit that doesn't always pair so well with a citrus based fruit. The two of us together at first glance to outsiders seemed a perfect pairing, like a beautiful pair of heels.  However, after one bite I knew I had gotten an unripened orange that just wasn't mature enough to be even taken out of the orange grove.   It was almost like running around with two different colored heels on, they may be the same heel but the feel and look is just all wrong.  

Photos of heels found here.

September 05, 2011

Good Support is Always a Necessity

When people see me running around town in my five inch heels, they tend to always ask the same question.  "How do you do it, don't those high heels hurt you?"  Obviously, my first internal response is beauty is work, it is never easy and sometimes it requires a bit of pain to achieve a desired result.  But my external response is always the same - absolutely not!

The true answer really comes down to how the shoe was crafted and not how high or low the heel.  What sort of support does the heel offer for the wearer?  When a heel offers really great arch and heel support you can run around in five inches better than a ballet slipper, which offers none.

Life can be funny that way.  Things that appear difficult or painful to an outsider are not always so for the actual person affected.  The better your support, the better your life. So the next time you are wondering how a lady in five inch stilettos can out pace a lady wearing sandals, don't think pain.  Instead, ask yourself, who really has the best support? 

Heels found here