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March 07, 2012

Make A Decision Yet?

When I was growing up I tended to take forever to make a decision.  My grandmother would get so disgusted and frustrated with my lack of urgency that she would finally just scream "Kimberly Ann!  Either piss or get off the damn pot!"  I realize that is definitely not the most ladylike thing to say, as it is rather crude.  However, there was great clarity in that statement by my grandmother.  Too many times we take forever in making a decision when unfortunately we realize only too late that the answer we were seeking is no longer attached to a valid question. 

When we are making our decisions we tend to be so afraid of the outcome or answer instead of focusing on the pure essence of the ride we end up losing out altogether.  The questions, the self-doubt, it can be relentless, almost like an unending loop of a bad ending to a bad movie.  Asking in your head over and over again, should I buy those heels, should I make those plans, should I stay in budget, should I ask them out, should I say yes, should I say no, should I try to kiss them, should I turn away, on and on it goes!  Should I, Should I, Should I, Should I……..   

Personally, I am still plagued as an adult with taking much too long in making many of my decisions.  At times I think I can actually hear my grandmother yelling at me as before when I was a child, encouraging me in her own unique way to really just be brave and make a choice.  The choice doesn't always have to be perfect or even right; it just has to be made sometimes.  That is the beauty of life, even with mistakes we learn and grow.  So jump off and see where the ride takes you, who knows, you might actually enjoy it!

Photo found here

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