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January 26, 2011

Who Changed This Shoe Display?

So far I have gone on about a dozen dates, which isn't too shabby considering this is only the beginning of week four for me and this dating extravaganza.  I must admit the differences between each of these men have been quite vast, which has continued to keep me intrigued.  Some have been shy and not very talkative, a couple have been downright boring, but most have been outgoing and glad to interact with me in stimulating conversations.  However, there has been one major commonality with all of them, they have all wanted to share with me their one "dating story."  That one story about the wild or incredibly crazy woman that they met just that one time, from a dating site.  Whether she is psycho, loose, or both doesn't really matter.  What does matter, is that they think this is an okay subject to bring up on our first date.  Seriously, do they think that I care, or more importantly, want to know what she did or said with him?  Aren't we supposed to be getting to know one another, not unveiling an unrelated dating escapade (or should I say sexcapade)?  When did it become okay for men to share with women (specifically a woman they hardly know) their dating experiences in such graphic detail?  Personally I am all about sharing and even over-sharing with those whom I am really close with, but really that is taking it a bit too far for a first date. Don't they understand the impression they are giving at that point?  Or do men no longer care about impressing a woman? 

From over-sharing to over-stepping boundaries, these changes are not what one would expect on a first date.  Personally, if this has become an acceptable behavior from men, I must admit I don't really care for this change.  When I walk up to a shoe display, I like to see the shoes beautifully arranged so I can admire every pair from any angle.  You can see what is being offered and the qualities and flaws immediately and whether a shoe is worth your time for further inspection and possibly worth purchasing.  Unfortunately, this new behavior is like someone just threw a bunch of shoes in a giant pile on a table and said "enjoy!"  Who can enjoy that?  I don't want to dig through a pile of shoes in the hopes of finding something.  I could waste hours digging and never find the pair I am looking for or my size.  Who has time for that?  Certainly not me. 

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