I must admit I absolutely love heels. Sometimes, I am just drawn to them, no matter the practicality. About two months ago I found a pair that I just could not pass up at one of my favorite places to shop; they were on sale which was a huge plus. They were simply gorgeous, pink, and over five inches tall before the extra height of the platform.
Now, typically I factor in the height of a heel before I make a purchase, especially if my intent is to wear my heels at work as I run around the city quite a bit, including tons of stairs in the parking garage. Apparently I didn't factor this in as I got carried away and drawn into the beauty of the heel and purchased upon sight. However, they were completely impractical for walking around the city. When I wore them the following week to work, I almost fell down three times, on the stairs and when my heel hit holes when crossing the streets. Again, completely impractical.
Does practicality always have to be a deciding factor though, in my choices? Can't impracticality be equally as important? Sometimes we need a little impracticality to make our lives a little off balanced and a little less boring. So, although I won't wear these heels to work anymore, it doesn't mean I have to toss them out completely. I just have to remember when I do wear them that I can't walk ninety miles an hour crossing streets or running down stairs; that I just have take my steps more carefully.
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