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August 16, 2011

Did you just really try to touch My Stuff?

Who doesn't just adore going out and about, seeing the sights, meeting new people, or even shopping? Ever encountered that "one" person while on one of these excursions?  You know the one.  They want to chat incessantly about the view you are trying to take in, they talk too closely and get way too touchy at your first introduction at a party or a date, or they hover and continuously get in your way when they see you are just trying to grab a shoe. No matter the encounter, whether random, business, or personal encounters, they typically make you completely irrational and nuts.  What could ever make someone assume that it is ever okay to impede upon another persons personal space? 

Can you imagine my surprise, while out trying to enjoy a relaxing afternoon with friends a random stranger believed that it was appropriate to impede upon my personal space.  More specifically, they felt that it was okay to touch my personal belongings without my approval and further attempted to try on said belongings. Seriously, what has happened to manners and respect? Here is hoping that this encounter was as random as it was disgusting.

  "What the heck?! These are mine b!tch!  Back away from the goods if you know what is good for you!"

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