Lately more and more online sites offer you the opportunity to try something out without the normal attachments of a typical purchase. You are essentially given the freedom of take-out without any sort of commitment. Normally, with certain merchandise, I would definitely take advantage. Who wouldn't love to run around at a fancy event with a $2000 YSL clutch that you merely "borrowed" for the occasion? However, call me ridiculous, old-fashioned, or any other cliche, but I just can't bring myself to do the same with my heels. I can see the pull for enjoying a heel in the same sense as the borrowed bag but I find that I get a bit more attached to my heels than I do with other items. True, I may decide after I purchase the heel that I only want it for just the night, weekend, or maybe just every now and again. By making the heel mine first, I have the control to make just that decision. With take-out I am on a time schedule as to when I must return the merchandise or a hefty fee may be imposed on my delay. Fines, time-constraints, contracts, it is all just a bit too much for essentially a night of take-out. Buy it first ladies, then dump them off at the curb when you get tired of them. Its faster and less of a headache.
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