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November 05, 2011

Words. How do you use them?

Words.  What are they really?  Just a jumbled bunch of random letters that when placed in some sort of order or pattern, they take shape and make perfect sense.  Words alone really have no impact.  Though occasionally, when certain words are chained together they can turn something meaningless into something beautiful, articulate, impassioned, or even thought-provoking.  More commonly, however, words can be thrown out quickly, without thought.  Those words are sharper than a knife and move faster than a gun, injuring the receiver and at times the sender as well. 

Style, like one's body type, is unique to each and every individual; it should be embraced and owned.  You may not agree with another persons choices but that doesn't mean they are wrong for making them.  Leopard shoes not your thing?  So what, they have been around forever and aren't going away anytime soon. Kitten heels aren't my personal style choice but they look fabulous and fantastic on tons of ladies.  What works for one, definitely does not work for all.  Negativity and critical words should be held in check by the sender because the receiver is more than likely very happy with their style and doesn't require, desire, or need your insulting input. 

Learn to embrace your own inner beauty, style and self worth.  Once you do, words will find a way out that are meaningful, warranted, and appreciated by all receivers and most importantly by you, the sender.

Photo and dictionary found here.

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