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February 26, 2012

Discovery is fun

By no means am I an expert on kids, at any age.  However, I do know this much, small children between the ages of twelve to about sixteen months are fantastic to watch!  Everything they see, touch, smell, come into contact with is pure excitement, complete uncensored joy.  The simplest, smallest thing can bring absolute happiness to their faces to the point that they squeal with delight, running as fast as their chubby, uncoordinated little legs will carry them to their destination of amazement. Unfortunately, as they begin to grow and talk, their sense of wonder tends to fade. As adults, they no longer allow themselves the simple joy of squealing over an ice cream or puppy.

I, on the other hand, try to channel my inner child frequently, trying to obtain that same feeling of happy bliss in my everyday life as often as possible.  Fashion definitely pulls out this type of excitement easily for me, whether it is a beautiful heel, gorgeous gown, or some shiny, sparkly piece of jewelry. Any of these type of items can easily garner a squeal, smile, and sigh from me.  What is truly odd or amazing, however you choose to decide, is that dating also brings out this same sense of wonder and joy for me.  Before a date I begin to ponder what will we talk about, will he laugh at me or with me, will he get my off-balanced sense of humor and outlook on life?  Once I actually go on the date, if things are going well and the chemistry is there, I can feel the inner child bursting in me at inappropriate times, wanting to squeal and clap in delight for whatever reason. Does this make me weird?  Probably.  However, I am totally okay with that, as I see my sense of wonder and delight for life, people, and everything surrounding me, as an attribute, just another added layer of my quirky attitude and behavior. 

The next time you see a small child running to grab some random stick on the ground to touch it in unabashed amazement, squealing upon touch, stop and enjoy that moment.  Savor and store that memory away for yourself.  Later, when a future occasion presents you with an opportunity, pull out that memory and use it yourself.  Squeal with delight and clap like no one is around when your waiter hands you that slice of cheesecake or glass of wine, when the sales clerk hands you the bag containing your newly purchased heels, or when your date shares something hysterical and honest revealing a little of their true self to you.  Laugh, enjoy life's delights, and above all, love everything and everyone unabashedly!  

Image found here

February 24, 2012

Online Vs Instore Shopping

When you go shopping how do you prefer to do it, is it online or in an actual store?  I always thought I would be just the "in-store" sort of gal for everything I ever purchased.  As I do love to touch and get to know the item more personally, up close.  However, lately, I am all about the on-line shopping experience when it comes to certain items of interest in my life.  You can check out a multitude of merchandise without being interrupted, you can block unwanted solicitation, viewing only items "matching" your criteria, and weed out what you are and aren't looking for much faster online than in the store.  Once you have your "select" items, you can then decide which are really worth your time and energy viewing in person.  Don't misunderstand, I still absolutely love slowly perusing any and every store I come across that has clothing, shoes, bags, and/or accessories of interest.  Shopping online for other items of interest in my life just frees up more time for my passion for fashion!    

 Image found here