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February 21, 2011

Photo Shop Anyone?

Ever flipped through a magazine and noticed a hot pump that you just thought you had to purchase?  Only problem, the photographer only gave you a small view of the shoe, from just the front. So you search online, spending hours, maybe even days before eureka, you find it!  Unfortunately, there is a tiny problem.  Your search has uncovered why the photographer only provided you with such a small preview of the shoe, it is simply awful and not worth the time you have wasted.  Yes, you were definitely duped.

After three separate dates I have come to a similar conclusion with some of my matches.  Each of these three different men provided only a head shot as their profile picture.  Funny thing, none of them looked like their picture when we met.  Was this deliberate photo editing or possibly just older pictures?  Who knows and frankly, who cares.  Regardless of the answer, I was duped into thinking I was meeting one person when in reality that person did not exist except on a very altered photo.  Do they not realize their extra pounds, shrinking hairline, advanced years will all come to the forefront when we meet in person?  Had they shown the confidence to project who they really are I might have actually been inclined to go out with one or any of them again.

Whatever happened to the self-assured man?  Why are they hiding in plain sight?  I am confident they are still out there, I just haven't flipped through enough magazines yet or tried on enough shoes to find them but I am hopeful nonetheless.    

February 16, 2011

Should I pack my credit card or gun?

Ever go into a store and wonder why the sales person continually follows you around trying to push some ridiculous shoe on you to purchase?  You came in looking for a classic, black pump and they are under pressure to get rid of last seasons worst seller, some overpriced, trendy flop, or even worse a shoe made for a grandmother. Haven't they paid attention to you and your request?  After all, you are the customer, right?  Unfortunately, they haven't been listening to you and have completely ignored your specific shopping needs.  Your shopping experience has turned into a disaster and all you want to do is flee the store without a purchase.

Lately I have noticed that all three of my dating sites have been sending me "matches" that just aren't working, at least not for me.  Many are old enough to be my father, several live out of state; none of the criteria I have specifically requested is being matched on my end, only on theirs. Seriously, what's a girl to do?  Ignoring them is a great start and which is what I typically do for the most part.  However, they aren't deterred, they just email and wink and email and wink until they finally get agitated that I have completely ignored them and give up. That is for a few weeks and then they start all over again with their attempts to get my attention.

I suppose I could be angry at the lost time and aggravation the sites have created on my end with all of the mismatches they have directed to me, but I accept that as part of the experience.  Overall, the sites do try to filter most of them out for me but many still find a way to skirt around the filters or criteria and contact me.  It is the direct contacts that I find to be the most problematic. Why would someone who likes spending all of their time fishing, hunting, and camping in the great outdoors think that I, who spends most of her time in the city, would be a "perfect match" because we just have so much in common?  Really?  I suppose you could, on a very basic level, compare hunting for a deer to hunting for a good deal on a heel.  The major difference, mine gets bagged and tagged for me once I hand them my credit card and no firearm was necessary for the hunt.   


February 07, 2011

Why Comfort Sucks!

The last couple of weeks was like a triathlon of dating for me.  A date almost every single day or night, which unbelievably can be rather exhausting.  Finally some time to rest and reflect on what has been going on with my life, that is until my date tonight. 

I met some great guys and some not so great.  Again, another one who refused to stand when meeting me and a couple who just didn't relate to me enough on any level for either of us to want to experience a second date. However, I have actually met a couple that I am happily interested in and would like to get to know them better. 

One is simply fabulous, almost too perfect for me in all ways.  The major drawback for me is he is "comfortable."  No one wants to buy that shoe.  It doesn't really matter that you can stand and walk in that shoe for an entire week without removing it and never feeling tired, the shoe is just simply atrocious. You can't bring yourself to walk over to the display to touch it, most less try it on for size.  It is just not foot worthy, as beauty, like life, should never be too comfortable.

Instead, I am, of course, drawn to the one on display that will definitely cause me discomfort and possibly pain, is a bit too high, maybe a tiny bit too pointy, and will definitely cause my calves and feet to scream for hours.  However, pain and discomfort aside, it fits wonderfully and I feel simply amazing when I have that beauty on my foot.   

I suppose I have known what my decision would be but it doesn't make it any less easier to tell my comfortable friend that I am not interested in him.  How does one explain that you would rather enjoy a life that is filled with occassional beauty, love, and a bit of pain and discomfort, rather than a boring life that is always just comfortable?