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July 19, 2011

Impractical or practical, what do you prefer?

I must admit I absolutely love heels.  Sometimes, I am just drawn to them, no matter the practicality.  About two months ago I found a pair that I just could not pass up at one of my favorite places to shop; they were on sale which was a huge plus.  They were simply gorgeous, pink, and over five inches tall before the extra height of the platform. 

Now, typically I factor in the height of a heel before I make a purchase, especially if my intent is to wear my heels at work as I run around the city quite a bit, including tons of stairs in the parking garage.  Apparently I didn't factor this in as I got carried away and drawn into the beauty of the heel and purchased upon sight.  However, they were completely impractical for walking around the city.  When I wore them the following week to work, I almost fell down three times, on the stairs and when my heel hit holes when crossing the streets.  Again, completely impractical. 

Does practicality always have to be a deciding factor though, in my choices?  Can't impracticality be equally as important?  Sometimes we need a little impracticality to make our lives a little off balanced and a little less boring.  So, although I won't wear these heels to work anymore, it doesn't mean I have to toss them out completely.  I just have to remember when I do wear them that I can't walk ninety miles an hour crossing streets or running down stairs; that I just have take my steps more carefully. 

July 18, 2011

Seasons change and so should your shoes

Everyone has heard the old cliche, no white after labor day and never before Easter.  But in recent years, who hasn't broken this rule?  The temptation to break out what hasn't been worn for a long period of time gets the best of all of us at some point.  Maybe it is a fabulous pair of slingbacks found in the fall on clearance just waiting to make their appearance in the spring. Or maybe it is your favorite pair of knee-length boots that you are patiently watching the weather for the first blustery day in the fall in order to bring them out again. 

We all go through this same desire to enjoy a fantastic favorite in our closet once a new season begins to make its approach.  Sometimes in our excitement to bring out that pair of slingbacks we realize only after our feet have turned blue that we may have been fooled by the weatherman that day and that spring may not quite be upon as initially predicted.  Or that the fall day that started out so chilly ended up sweltering, as did your feet stuck in your boots.  Sometimes our desire overwhelms us so much so that we throw caution aside in order to enjoy a moment of fulfillment.  Whereas we should wait it out a bit more in order to determine that what we have been waiting on has in fact arrived.      

July 16, 2011

Take-out Anyone?

Lately more and more online sites offer you the opportunity to try something out without the normal attachments of a typical purchase.  You are essentially given the freedom of take-out without any sort of commitment.  Normally, with certain merchandise, I would definitely take advantage.  Who wouldn't love to run around at a fancy event with a $2000 YSL clutch that you merely "borrowed" for the occasion?  However, call me ridiculous, old-fashioned, or any other cliche, but I just can't bring myself to do the same with my heels. I can see the pull for enjoying a heel in the same sense as the borrowed bag but I find that I get a bit more attached to my heels than I do with other items.  True, I may decide after I purchase the heel that I only want it for just the night, weekend, or maybe just every now and again.  By making the heel mine first, I have the control to make just that decision.  With take-out I am on a time schedule as to when I must return the merchandise or a hefty fee may be imposed on my delay.  Fines, time-constraints, contracts, it is all just a bit too much for essentially a night of take-out.  Buy it first ladies, then dump them off at the curb when you get tired of them.  Its faster and less of a headache.