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November 15, 2011

Waiting for a Sale?

Always find yourself waiting?  Waiting for your chance to turn, waiting for a table, waiting for a coffee, the list just continues and grows of all of the things we continue to wait for everyday.  The one thing most of us invariably wait for time and time again is "the" sale.  You find what you believe to be the perfect pair of shoes but they are new, just out for the season.  The store is of course asking full price, you want to pay less, so you wait.  You wait and wait and wait some more.  Finally the great sale at the end of the season arrives, the shoes are now 75% off.  Fantastic!  Time to purchase your lovely find.  Only problem now, they no longer have your size or color.

Why did you wait so long for the shoes that you fell in love with months earlier?  They were perfect, would have lasted season after season, looked fabulous when you wore them; they were simply amazing.  Instead of treating them with the desire you felt for them, you chose to wait for a bargain basement deal and treat them as an anything purchase.   

Can you wait for a sale?  Absolutely.  However, you should save items to be purchased on sale for what they are, a random find that really matters not whether you acquire them.  When something unbelievable comes along, you should snatch it up immediately because you never know when or if that item and opportunity may ever come your way again. If you wait too long, you just might find that what could have been something wonderful for you is now owned and adored by someone else instead.  Don't lose out waiting! 

Photo of sign and sale found here.

November 05, 2011

Words. How do you use them?

Words.  What are they really?  Just a jumbled bunch of random letters that when placed in some sort of order or pattern, they take shape and make perfect sense.  Words alone really have no impact.  Though occasionally, when certain words are chained together they can turn something meaningless into something beautiful, articulate, impassioned, or even thought-provoking.  More commonly, however, words can be thrown out quickly, without thought.  Those words are sharper than a knife and move faster than a gun, injuring the receiver and at times the sender as well. 

Style, like one's body type, is unique to each and every individual; it should be embraced and owned.  You may not agree with another persons choices but that doesn't mean they are wrong for making them.  Leopard shoes not your thing?  So what, they have been around forever and aren't going away anytime soon. Kitten heels aren't my personal style choice but they look fabulous and fantastic on tons of ladies.  What works for one, definitely does not work for all.  Negativity and critical words should be held in check by the sender because the receiver is more than likely very happy with their style and doesn't require, desire, or need your insulting input. 

Learn to embrace your own inner beauty, style and self worth.  Once you do, words will find a way out that are meaningful, warranted, and appreciated by all receivers and most importantly by you, the sender.

Photo and dictionary found here.

November 03, 2011

Where Do You Shop - Local, National, International?

When I was much younger, my tastes and interests were pretty limited.  Unless something was familiar, I didn't venture too far out from my comfort zones.  However, with age, my horizons and tastes have expanded.  Cheeseburgers no longer hold the same appeal to the newer version of me, they don't nearly capture my attention like a freshly made sushi roll.  Soda will never make me stop in my tracks the way the smell of freshly ground and brewed espresso will every time.  Or how I can pass aisle after aisle of shoes without a passing glance but will immediately stop for a moment of heel reverence in the designer shoe section at Nordstrom.   

Remaining only "local" no longer entices me or holds my interest as it did before either.  Seeing and discovering what is available, maybe only a few cities over, a state or more away, even in other countries is so much more intriguing. Learning how different and unique something is in the UK, Italy, or New York in comparison to what is available to me locally is not only an experience it is a true education. Seeing firsthand how unique and different an item is from Italy as compared to something locally is just a  magical gift.  Everything is not always perfect though, sometimes local is better in comparison to the foreign version. Unfortunately, if you don't have the free spirit and open mind to take the step to make that determination you will never know either way.  Enjoy the journey; wherever the path might take you, don't hesitate to follow.

Photo can be found here